Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lowest of low done by "family"...

We we're discharged from the hospital on July 29th. Mama had decided to have us a little gathering at her and my step-dads the next day. Some of my family was coming down and wanted to meet Gavin. Things weren't going good where we were living. We were still living with Jeremys sister, Bethany and her boyfriend, Shane. Bethany was acting strange. One day she'd be fine. She was friendly and if she heard Gavin crying at night, alot, she would come get him so Jeremy and I could sleep a little. But then the next day she wouldn't even speak to us. She was cranky and mad on these bad days. I found out later that she was on drugs and that was the cause for the mood swings. Shane worked second shift and she'd leave everyday after he'd go to work, apparently to do drugs. They were starting to do things like cleaning the carpet in the middle of the night, anything to make ALOT of noise. It was as if they were just trying to make us want to leave. And BELIEVE ME, WE WANTED TO LEAVE! But we had nowhere else to go. Jeremy had literally just started work at Walmart. He got the job the day I went in to have Gavin but they gave him a week so he could be with me. And after he started working, I went to my moms while he was at work because Bethany was getting out of hand!

The final straw happened on the first night I let mama keep Gavin by herself. We all decided to have a fun night playing board games and drink a little. Although I didn't drink, I just don't like drinking plus it was my first night away from Gavin and just in case I decided I needed to go get him I needed to be sober! But Bethany had gotten drunk. I went into the kitchen to get something and all of a sudden, Bethany started cursing Shane out, accusing he and I of "making eyes at one another"! I didn't even look his way. As a matter of fact, my back was to Shane the entire time! Remember how I said Bethany would tell what Jeremy had been doing if she was mad? Well, it happened! Her and Shane let stuff fly! She told me that Jeremy had been sleeping with Carolyn (the woman he lived with in Farmville after we split) for two weeks before I left. And that he was telling me he had to work and I was taking him to work and she'd be waiting for him! So I basically gave him a ride to cheat on me! If he "worked" 1-10 she'd bring him back by 9:30, back to me! What kind of heartless ASSHOLE does that to his PREGNANT wife?! But, of course, he said she was lying because she was mad. Which she was a horrible pathological liar! So I never knew when to believe her or not! But when Shane told me much later I believed him. After the argument, Jeremy, Shane and myself went to the store. When we left, Bethany was sitting in Shanes truck listening to CDs. I told him to get his keys from her but he didn't. When we got back home, she was gone! We searched all night and couldn't find her. My mama called the next morning and said a nurse had called her and Bethany was in the hospital. She had wrecked his truck less than a mile from our house and totaled it! She was going 80mph in a residential area where the speed limit was only 25mph! But of course Shane picked up and within a day they were "perfect" again!

After this, I couldn't take them anymore! We all went weeks and didn't speak. Then one day, Jeremy and I came in and there was a letter from Shanes landlord saying he'd found out we were living there and that we weren't on the lease so we had to move or he'd be evicted as well. So, another argument broke out because I wasn't buying it! The landlord had been there while we were there he didn't care! A few days later we went back to get our things and Bethany had us locked out. All if my stuff and all of Gavins things were inside! Eventually we were let in and we got our stuff and left! We found out that Shane had wrote that letter himself and even went to the website of the landlord and copy and pasted the logo on the letter! Instead if being a man and asking us like adults! He falsely put me out with my barely month old son!! Just pathetic!

All of that aside, I felt so happy because I had my beautiful son! Only bad thing was when I was in the hospital, I accidentally pulled out a staple from my incision and got MRSA from the hospital! This caused me to not be able to do much with Gavin as I didn't want him to get it! Below are pictures of Gavin after we got home and the one with him wearing blue jeans was his first checkup at 4 weeks. The one with the other baby is my friend Sams baby boy, Brayden, that's two days older than Gavin, the baby yawning is Brayden.

We had a rocky start after Gavin was born, but things got better very quickly! But of course, in my life, nothing good lasts at all....


  1. Big hugs Toni. You knew some very sick people but your life has & will get better xx

  2. Oh Toni....the drama continues. Bless your sweet heart. I had MRSA about 5 years ago. You can die from that stuff! I hope you did well with it.
    BTW: Blogspot won't let me post pictures anymore. They have changed their format. How do you post your pictures? I have a lot I want to post. xxx

    1. More drama will unfold as well! It never ends! Thank you, Emma! And Gale, I don't blog from because it wouldn't let me put pictures on from the beginning! Probably because I do everything from my phone. I have the Blogspot app, Blogger on my phone so that's what I blog from. But it doesn't tell me when people comment that's why it took so long to publish my comments.
