Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Another positive pregnancy test!!

The new year starts in a mere 4 minutes and I'm at home, my babies tucked away in their warm beds, continuing my story, by choice! I hope everyone are having/had a Happy New Year!!

Jeremy and I were living with his grandma. We had both gotten jobs at the wal-mart in Farmville. Me, working in the jewelry department, him, working in the meat department. Things were going well for us. One of the stipulations of us living with his grandma was that we had to go to church with them. Which, don't get me wrong, is fine, but this particular church was more like a cult! It was held in an old closed down elementary school and the people, only about 15 of them, were crazy!! So to keep from going, I would make sure I worked on Sundays or if I was off, I came down to my mamas! Jeremy was not a church person, at all! When Thanksgiving came around, Jeremys uncle was coming down from northern Virginia and stay a few days. It's funny because I remember telling Jeremy, we've gotta have sex before he gets here because we won't be able to for a few days, lol!! At this time, Jeremy was still pretty much still hated by my family because of Kaylea. But by Christmas, my family had come around and started allowing him back into the house. At Christmas, I realized I had missed my period. One way I always knew I was pregnant was because I'd dream about food! And when I woke up I'd HAVE to have whatever I dreamed about! So, one weekend, I stayed with my mama and dreamed about her fried chicken and the next day she had to fix me some! After this, I got a pregnancy test and it was, once again, positive!!! So, I made a doctors appointment which confirmed my pregnancy.

Once again I found myself elated & nervous at the same time! I had an ultrasound in January of 2005 that showed that I was eight weeks along. The picture below shows this though it's really old so I don't know if you can see it but my peanut is there! I was scheduled to see a high risk doctor once a month along with my regular baby doctor. Upon my first visit to this HR doctor, she offered an explanation as to why Kaylea died. She said I had developed Pre-eclampsia (or toxemia as it was called) and it wasn't caught in time and it cut her oxygen supply off. It gave me a little sense of closure but not much as it was just a guess not for sure. But my blood pressure went up again with this pregnancy only it was caught and I was given a pill to take during my pregnancy to maintain it. These doctors treated me VERY well! Really great doctors!

This time I knew I would get my much wanted baby! But what I didn't know was what lay ahead for me and Jeremy....

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