Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gavins first year!

After the fiasco with Bethany and Shane, my mama and step-dad lent Jeremy and I the money to rent us a place to live. Our first place as a family! It was nice and everything just sort of fell into place! Three days after moving in, I got a job at the dry cleaners in my town. Which was great for then because Jeremy paid rent and this job allowed me to spend ALOT of time with Gavin as the hours were generally short. My mama was working third shift at the nursing home as a certified nurses aid (CNA) so I had to be at work at 7am and mom got off at 6am so she'd come over and watch Gavin while Jeremy and I worked during the day. Which worked out well. At this time, we weren't talking to Bethany and Shane anymore. But around April of 2006 Bethany got a job at the same Walmart Jeremy worked at. Now, I knew Jeremy and he would lie if he thought I'd get mad at him so I knew he would start talking to her. Which he did. And eventually she told us that the "eviction" was Shanes idea and she had nothing to do with it but I knew better! She wanted us gone because we told Shane about her leaving everyday after he'd go to work and about her sleeping with other men in HIS BED!! So she wanted us gone too! But I eventually let it go because I was only focused on Gavin! Jeremy and I were doing GREAT and I was scared Bethany would somehow mess it up. We always argued when she was around because she would tell me things he'd done in the past.

Before I had Gavin, at my initial doctors appointment for a pap smear, my smear come back with abnormal cells. I was told if it was severe enough my pregnancy would have to be terminated. Luckily, it wasn't and it could wait until after Gavins birth. Well in July of 06 I decided to have it taken care of as it was HPV but not the warts causing kind. This kind caused cervical cancer. I wandered how I kept from getting pregnant during this year as we didn't use any protection while having sex. So, I had the procedure done.

A few weeks later, it was time for Gavins first birthday!! My baby boy was growing up so quickly! By then he had a full head of blondish brown curly hair and was just beautiful! He wasn't quite walking yet. He walked around furniture but couldn't alone yet. We had him a Spongebob themed first birthday party. He loved Spongebob!! And he still does!! Me and Jeremy got him his first big boy bed a Spongebob toddler bed that came with a table and two chairs and a toybox set. He loved it even though at this time he was still sleeping with me. He got bronchitis at eight months old and had slept with me ever since. We put him in his big boy bed and he'd get up in the middle of the night and go looking for Jeremy in the living room. Oh, gosh, he loved his dada!!

But not long after his first birthday, we would find out more news. And I would find out my life wasn't so perfect after all.....