I don't have to explain to anyone who reads my blog or are fans of my Facebook page, the importance of a good support system when grieving the loss of a baby. Yesterday, the support system that I have established, and work very hard to establish, for nearly 3,000 people was nearly taken away. And for what reason?
About six months ago, when I first started really working on my facebook page, I found a graphic on Google. See, I make graphics for the ladies on my page as a way to keep our angels memories alive. Usually when I make a graphic, I find something basic, sometimes through Google, and I build on it. Sometimes I make them from scratch. I NEVER use anything that has a watermark or copyright info on it. Strictly use free graphics. Anyway, I found a graphic that had a blue & pink footprint, a heart and wings on it. That's ALL THE GRAPHIC HAD ON IT. No copyright material, no Web page and no facebook page. I made a graphic and posted it for people to request. No problems. Well, day before yesterday, I made a cover photo out of this same graphic and, as usual, uploaded it for everyone to request. I made them and uploaded them, as usual. Yesterday, when I woke up, I got on my page and discovered drama to beat all drama! A lady, named Tammy*, had commented under nearly every one of the graphics saying that I had stolen the graphic and that it belonged to her and another girl named Keri*. In my inbox, Keri had sent me a message demanding that I take down the graphic that I "stole" from her or she would be "forced to take legal action" against me. She claimed the graphic was copyrighted except when I asked for proof, I was ignored. In her message, she also offered to "help me make digitalized images that I wouldn't have to take from others". That's a joke! First of all, you don't accuse me of stealing from you in one sentence and then offer to "help" me in the next! I've never been so offended in my life! So stunned that fellow angel mothers are acting this way!
Now, granted, I can see getting upset over this if someone purposely took something of yours and then took credit for it. But before I would start throwing out threats and claiming you stole it from me, I would first ask, you know, "where did you find this graphic because it belongs to me". You don't go on someones page and openly accuse them of "stealing" from you!! This can automatically cause the person to lose fans and give them a reputation of being a thief, so to speak. I say, so to speak, because I don't see using a graphic as "stealing." Anyway, I tried explaining that I most certainly did NOT take the graphic from her page. I told her I found the graphic, just as it was, in a Google search. I told her that if she showed me proof that she had the graphic copyrighted then I would gladly take them all down. This was ignored and she immediately went to reporting every single graphic that had the footprints on them.
Now, to veer away from the story for a minute, to give a little background about Keri. I was a fan on her page nearly two years ago. Although I was on the page, I rarely actually participated in anything. So, one day, I decided that I would request one of the graphics she had up. As I said, I'd never requested one before. Therefore, I didn't know what or how she done things or how I was supposed to find it. She said only the first 100 people to comment could get one. I was around the 30th person to comment, well within a 100. So, when she made them, I looked through them and didn't see mine. I seen the girl in front of me and the one that was behind me. But not mine. So, I left a wall post, simply saying, "I was wandering if you made the graphic for Kaylea? I've never requested one so I didn't know if I was just looking in the wrong place, lol! Thank you!" You would think that I had just cussed her out! A woman commented and said to me "it's people like you that causes her to stop doing graphics!" So, that made me very angry and confused! I said, "all I asked was am I looking in the wrong place! I didn't say anything bad!" In the meantime, I emailed Keri because even though I rarely participated, I had met some really sweet women within the page. I didn't want to be kicked off over something so petty. I told Keri the story and told her that I didn't mean anything bad by asking where it was or if she had done it yet. I told her I was sorry if it offended her. A few minutes later, I received a response from Keri. She not only emailed this to me, she posted it on the page. She said, "By asking me that, you're implying that I'm not doing my job. You have ruined the one night I have with my family by emailing me about the graphic. You didn't even request a graphic." She rambled on for a while about me asking her a question and how offended she was. So, I thought to myself, this page isn't supportive at all anyway. What support I have received has come from within the page from fellow fans. So, I told Keri, "I'm not like the rest of your fans. You are not going to talk to me like I'm a dog! All I did was ask a simple question about a graphic. I didn't say you weren't doing your job, nor did I imply that! You should have more respect for your fans!" After this, I left the page myself. This so called support page was full of drama. She treats her fans so terrible. She has a few choice women that she's wonderful to and the rest she's unbelievably rude to. I observed things on the page for quite some time and the way she treats some people is just uncalled for, in every way.
On this "support" page, she also sells jewelry and random things in memory of angels. Some time after the incident with the graphic, I was flipping through a magazine and found a necklace identical to one that she sells, very much overpriced. One that she claims she hand makes. She charges $50 for the necklace and another $10 for shipping. Now, I run a charity where I send bears out to people, free of charge by the way, and it only costs around $2 for shipping. Now I know it doesn't cost $10 to mail a necklace! They go by weight and a necklace is VERY light. Anyway, the one I found was only $30 with FREE SHIPPING! She's a crook and a fraud. She takes complete advantage of vulnerable grieving parents.
So, back to the story! As a result of her reporting over a 100 of my graphics, Facebook shut my page down. They also put me in a terrible spot with Facebook. I was warned about being shut down for good as I've been flagged as using copyrighted material. Which was a lie! Anyway, as I said above, having a proper support system is invaluable in the grieving process. We need someone we can turn to that knows what we are going through. I have nearly 3,000 people who have a support system within my page. My sole purpose is helping these wonderful women. And for some of them, my page is all they have. By having my page shut down, she also shut down the place these women turn to for comfort. And there's is nothing good about that. Granted, I didn't edit that graphic but the purpose of the graphics, no matter who made them is all the same: to help bereaved parents keep their Angels memories alive! These two ladies should know the importance of this. Instead of thinking about the consequences of their actions, they proceeded to report these graphics and have the page shut down. It's my opinion that people like them should not have the privileged of helping bereaved mothers. Obviously, they don't know how important having support is. But then again, I wouldn't expect someone whose sole purpose is making money off of bereaved parents, to understand the importance of having a support system. I don't sell anything on my page and my charity is free of charge for bereaved parents. I don't make people pay for the graphics I make either, no matter when they request one!
The purpose of me telling this is simple: think about what you're doing before you do it! These two childish girls reported these graphics, without first trying to find out how I got it in the first place. By doing that, they nearly tore away almost a year of work and over $500.00 I've personally put into my page. Without no regard for what they were doing! It's a shame that bereaved mothers can't come together and help each other without causing childish drama! We are supposed to be united in the loss of our angels, together, there for one another. Instead, some choose to pit themselves against others that are just trying to help! What drives a person to do this? Jealousy? Envy? Or just plain ignorance. Whatever the case, it needs to stop! We need to stand beside each other. No followers, no leaders. Walk beside one another. It only makes sense because we're all here for the same reason: we've lost a MUCH WANTED baby!
So, what I hope people take away from this blog is have a little respect for people who are just trying to help! If you stop and think about it, all that drama was caused over a graphic, A GRAPHIC! So, petty! And disappointing. Think before jumping to conclusions and throwing false accusations around! Think about the people you'd hurt by shutting a page down over something so stupid!
In closing, I'd like to thank my wonderful and loyal fans for not believing these horrible ladies and leaving my page! I want to thank everyone who has been with me since I started! Because of you ladies, I have a purpose! Thank you, ALL OF YOU!!
*Names have been changed to keep these children from reporting anything else & trying to sabotage what I've worked hard to do!*