Thursday, March 7, 2013

Making a difference!

Hello Everyone!

I haven't blogged in quite some time but I've been doing my part to make a difference! Leanne at Aching Arms asked me to take over sending teddy bears to bereaved parents in the US. By doing this, it allows shipping and postage to remain free for everyone! I've also made a Facebook page dedicated to keeping our angels memory alive.

As most of you know, on March 20th it will be 9 years since my first baby, a girl, Kaylea Blair, was stillborn at 27 weeks gestation. When this happened, I was incredibly sick and as a result, was drugged out of my mind! As the years go by, I live in fear of her memory fading away. You see, I hadn't known anyone who'd had a stillborn baby and therefore, didn't know my options for what to do. Instead, I was left with 3 Polaroid photos that fade more and more each day, I didn't get to bathe my baby and she was buried wrapped in a Peter Rabbit blanket. And, don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for these things as a lot of angel parents don't get these things! But it is not enough! We shouldn't be robbed of these precious memories, albeit milestones, just because our babies were born forever sleeping!

The doctor wasn't compassionate about this and didn't tell me anything I could do. Doctors need to educate patients and make them aware that things can go wrong during pregnancy. And not every pregnancy ends with a healthy baby. As alot of the time people are unaware of the things that go wrong and causes their babies to go, far too soon! When you give birth to an angel baby, all the memories you can make have to be made soon.

You see, we don't get to bring our babies home to begin making a lifetime of memories! Our memories of our angels are confined to a hospital room. So, we need to know every single thing we can do to capture our angels in a way they will never be forgotten! Things every parent wants to experience with their child: first picture, first bath an outfit to wear home from the hospital. We, as angel parents, should get to experience these 'firsts' as well! We should get a million photos of our angels, get to bathe our angels, put a beautiful outfit on his/her for the pictures! But, unfortunately, we are not told our options and a lot of us are left with sadness and regret. And alot of coulda, woulda, shoulda!

I've made it my goal to try as hard as I can to make keepsakes in memory of our angels! If there's anything I know, it's the importance of keepsakes for our angels. We become the voice they never had and if we don't speak for our children then who's left to speak for them? No one. They become a whisper in the wind and forgotten! As if they never existed! Not while I'm alive and breathing! ALL BABIES MATTER!!

In the words of Dr. Seuss: A PERSONS A PERSON, NO MATTER HOW SMALL!!

So, if you've stumbled upon my blog or if you read it everyday, please, feel free to join me on Facebook as I work everyday to keep our angels memory alive!!

Below are some of the graphics I've made in memory of angels gone FAR TOO SOON!

Disclaimer: The graphics below belong to Stillbirth And Pregnancy Loss Awareness™. Please do not alter or change the graphics without consent from the owner.
~Landen Thadius, son of Shelby Shepard
~Jamie Wilson, baby of Sheila Wilson
~Michaela Jane, daughter of Kellie Brocco
~James Collins Fitts, Jr., son of Gale Fitts
~Reita Gale, daughter of Gale Fitts
~Scarlett Rose, daughter of Cat Swift
~Mezeker Mylove, daughter of Diamond Rowland
~Kaylea Blair, daughter of Toni Todt :)
~Baby Huerta, baby of Brandy Huerta
~Daisy Leah Nicole, daughter of Shannon Cain

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