Tuesday, March 18, 2014

About Graphic Requests on my Facebook Page

I've decided to do a blog for the fans on my Facebook page to read so there's no questions about how I do graphic requests. I ask that everyone read this blog so you'll all know & understand how I do the requests.

Firstly, when I upload a new graphic, there will be a few rules for everyone to read. Most of it is basic stuff. When I first started making graphics, I had no rules & things got completely out of hand. Sometimes there's only one graphic for everyone but most of the time, there's one for a girl, boy & one for angels that the sex was unknown. When it's three different graphics, you comment under the one you want. Pretty simple? You'd think so, but apparently not. I understand that, like me, a lot of my fans are only mobile & don't have a computer. Which is fine because I don't have a computer either. I ask that if you can't see or find where to make your request to inbox me on the page. Here, I'll break down each of the rules that I post & explain what I mean.

1. "Please comment under the graphic you want. Don't comment under the pink one asking for a blue one & vise versa." This is done so that I don't have to search for requests & guess which one you want. Also, if I take a guess sometimes I am wrong & then the fans send me hateful messages or comments over it. When the whole thing could've been avoided if the request was made properly.

2. "Please leave only your angels first name. Middle & last names & birthdays are not needed. (This won't apply every time)." I ask this so that I have enough time to do a graphic for everyone that wants one. Plus, all that info isn't needed for every graphic I do. If the graphic that's up is for a holiday, (Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, Thanksgiving, etc.), I only ask for your angels first name. If middle & last names & birthdays are left, I still only use the first name. I do this because so many requests are made for the holiday graphics that it's quicker to use only the first name. I ask that everyone please understand this because I want everyone that wants one, to get one. This allows me the time to do one for everybody. Also, I get that most people give their angels a first and middle name. My angels name is Kaylea Blair. But when I ask for only the first name, and you leave first & middle, and tell me that's your angels name, I know that but that's not what I asked for. It's not that I don't want to recognize your angels full name, it's just quicker to use the first name only.

3. "Please don't comment under the album itself with a request." Please know that I only ask this because it helps me keep the requests in order. I don't have to search in a bunch of different places for the requests & I won't accidentally leave anyone out. If there is only one graphic in the album for request, and there's not a difference between one for a boy & one for a girl, I usually still do the ones left underneath the album. But when there's 3 different graphics for request, I don't know which one you want when you comment under the album itself. I know what you're thinking, "if it's a girls name, make the one for a girl & vice versa." Well, that sounds simple enough, but sometimes they want a purple one (the one usually used for unknown sex). So, still I have no idea which one you want if you comment under the album itself. I really hate not making a graphic request! And, to be honest, half the time, I still make them. I feel like I repeat this one rule over & over & no one even pays any attention to it.

4. "Please don't alter nor use my graphics without my permission. You can share them & you can use them as your profile picture." I've found quite a few of my graphics, used & alerted online. I've had a few fans show me where they've found them online. It's not fair nor right to claim someone else's work as your own. I spend a lot of time on my graphics & that needs to be respected.

5. "If requesting a graphic for an angel that is not your own, please have the parents permission & have the correct info." In the past, I've had a new girlfriend of an angels father request a graphic & after it was made & uploaded, the mother inboxed me, very upset about it. This puts me in a horrible position. I've had several of these situations occur in the past & it's not good! I know that it would make me so mad if my angels fathers new wife requested a graphic for MY angel without my permission. It would hurt me & piss me off! I have no way of knowing if the angel belongs to the person requesting. I can only trust that no one would put me in that position. I had another instance where a graphic was requested for an angel that didn't belong to the person requesting & they gave me the wrong birthday. And the parent cone after me over it. So not cool! So, please, don't put me in that awkward position.
6. "If you have more than one angel & you'd like their names on different graphics, please specify this by leaving each name in a separate comments." If the names are in one comment, I assume you'd like them on the same graphic. This causes unnecessary do overs to put the names on different graphics. It's time consuming & unnecessary.

I need everyone to understand that I have two living kids & I make the graphics in between my motherly duties & my everyday activities. By following these few rules, it allows me to take care of my family & still have time to take care of my page & make the graphics. Also, please know that I reserve the right to refuse to make a graphic due to rudeness or not following instructions. I'm not trying to be shitty or hateful, I'm just trying to explain why I do things the way I do. I want to be able to make everyone a graphic & by following the few rules I've made, you've allowed me to do just that.

I really enjoy making the graphics for everyone. I know how it feels to see your angels name on things. It means someone else is recognizing your angel & that's very important to a bereaved mother! All angels should be remembered! And as long as I'm here, they will be remembered! Please help me keep things simple & in order! Thank you, everyone, for your continued support of my page & the work I do!

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