The time is 8:32 pm on March 20, 2014. It's not a normal day. It's the ten year anniversary of my baby girls death. Usually, I get through this time with ease. Maybe it's the fact that so much time has passed that I've adapted.
But, maybe time worked against me this year. I started the day with my normal ease. I got up, fixed my kids a bowl of cereal. Got them dressed & off to school. After that, I come back in my house & rested a while, watched tv, commented on my statuses about Kaylea's birthday. I decided that I would release balloons for her & let my kids help.
I went to the store & bought a helium kit & blew the balloons up myself. As I was doing this, I felt a tugging in my heart, and my stomach. A familiar tugging, yes, but one I haven't felt this strong in quite some time now!! Then, I realised it. I'm not taking this so good this year.
My kids get off the bus. I tell them that they can write messages on the balloons to Kaylea but to be careful not to pop them. Which they did, wonderfully! But, at the grave site, things went awry. My kids were just being kids. Of course, they can't even begin to fathom what I go through. They have no idea the pain I feel everyday. We released the balloons & I tried having a moment to talk to my angel, my first born. I usually do this alone but this year I thought I'd include them in it. And it didn't go good. I missed the chance to cry, to savor my time at my daughter's grave. To talk to her, alone, as I do every year. I missed it. Was it worth it to include my children. Maybe so. I don't know.
How do you make a 8 & 7 year old understand that their sister doesn't get a birthday party. She doesn't get to open presents like they do. I don't get to give her kisses & hug her, tell her I love her & hear her say it back to me. These balloons, this Peter Rabbit stuffed animal is all I get to do for her! It's IMPORTANT!
Why can't ANYONE understand how important this was to me? What can I say? I help thousands of grieving mothers on a daily basis, give them advice, encouraging words for big dates, holidays & anniversaries. I deal with grief every single day. Why can't I take my own advice? I've been told I'm pretty good at what I do. What happens when the supporter needs support? Let me just say that this blog isn't about the ladies on my page! It's actually quite the opposite! My fans, my second family, was AMAZING today!! I think what added to my day being bad is the fact that out of all of my friends, only ONE even thought to ask me how I was today! ONE! My friend, my sister, Nikki, came with me to release Kaylea's balloons. She is wonderful! She's not my sister, by blood. But a sister doesn't always mean by blood. I interpret a sister as someone who is there for me when I need them. Not someone that says "call me if you need anything" and when you do call they don't answer or its excuse after excuse as to why they can't help you. Quick sidenote: don't say these words if you don't Fucking mean it! These words mean a lot to a grieving mother! We live on these words because they mean that someone will be there for us if we need them. And chances are, we'll need them! So, don't say it if you don't mean it!
Can you believe my mama didn't even ask me how I was today?! MY MAMA!! So, all in all, it was a very hard day!! I felt even more empty & sad than I did the day I had her. This has been very, very hard on me!! And I feel like no one in this world cares! No one in my family, that is! This is a huge anniversary! TEN YEARS! And I think that's another reason that it's working on me so hard! I've thought about it so much lately, especially since I got the records from the hospital where I had her. I almost wish I hadn't of gotten them!
Mostly though, it's the fact that I felt so alone today. The fact that the world can go on as if I didn't have a daughter that died! She matters, even if no one else thinks so! She Fucking matters!!! And I will give her the respect she Fucking deserves! If no one else will!! I will say her name every single day! No matter how uncomfortable anyone feels! I will celebrate her birthday every year on March 20th until I'm no longer here to celebrate!! Her life matters, no matter how short it was, IT MATTERS!!
So, make the awkward call & if you can't do that, send a text! But don't treat my daughter as if she didn't exist!
I'm going to end it here. My head hurts. My eyes are swollen. And I'm exhausted. The day was hard & exhausting! And I'm ready for it to be over.
Kaylea, I'll love you till I die! My first born, my first daughter. You hold a place inside my heart that no one else can have. You are a very important part of me. You're imprinted on my soul. And I can't wait until the day that I see your precious face again!
In Loving Memory of Kaylea Blair Todt Born still on March 20, 2004 at 7:11 am, weighing a tiny 1lb 2ozs 11 1/2 inches long. Forever loved & missed!