Tuesday, May 10, 2016

LA Severson, Lyle and April Severson, April Severson

I am having a HUGE issue on my support page right now & I've decided instead of posting one long continuous status to tell the complete story, I'd just write a blog with everything everyone needs to know. Any individual or support page that wants proof April is in fact a fake, please continue reading this blog! I think you will find that I can MORE than prove it!! 

The story begins several months ago when a girl with a Facebook page entitled 'LA Severson' joined my support page: Stillbirth And Pregnancy Loss Awareness.  I had no issues from her; in fact she was a fairly decent fan! She was on all of my pages, including my card exchange page. She joined my Christmas Card Exchange Program & I actually sent her a card with an ornament I made for her. I had no issues with her! I thought she was a good person…

Fast forward to April 22, 2016, just over two weeks ago. I received a message from a fan on my page named Laura. I've included a screenshot of that message. 

After I received this message, I decided to inbox April & ask her about this allegation. That message is below:
In the meantime, I wrote a status on my stillbirth page warning my fans of the situation; I never mentioned April by name, only said there's word of another fake angel mom that has stolen another Mother's angels photos & claimed them as her own. I told my fans to please watermark any photos that they share on Facebook & if they didn't know how to do it, to send them to me privately & I would do it for them. During all of this, April replied to my message:

'Ma'am I have explained to everyone what is going I am very heartbroken. This has gone on for 5 days now. I have been getting really disturbing name calling and threatening messages from many many people and sense day 1 I explained everything. And it still don't stop I feel totally bullied in this and I miss my baby so much as it is and I have tried to stay strong so my hubby and I can try in see if we get a second chance our rainbow baby. Riley will always always be our baby and my hubby and I have had so many regrets from the day we lost our Riley in August. Our baby was 17 weeks we tried for that baby for 9 very long and stressful year in and out of doctors trying ivf and then we were told the worst news someone who would give anything to have a family could ever hear. We were told that we would never be able to have children but then 9 years later and not even 2 months after our wedding day we found the best news ever in our entire lives that we were PREGNANT!!!! We lost our baby at 17 weeks 😞 when we lost our baby the whole time giving birth and everything I was so heartbroken I balled the whole time and hid my face under my gown. We choose not to see our baby and have the baby cremated and put in an angel garden. We regret that day so much. Well a few months back we received a letter and photos in the mail. They were suppose to be photos of "our baby" as bearaved parents we believed it and were so happy we finally knew. It also helped me cope a lot. We have never been through this before so we didn't question it. We had a tough pregnancy and my hubbys family were pretty cruel when I was pregnant. One of his family members whiched our baby would die. Well 4 days ago our world was turned upside down Again. Thats when we found out some heartless person played this sick joke on us. I am so heartbroken 😢" (instead of adding more screenshots, I just copy & pasted this message)

Ok, there's is so very much wrong with her story!! First of all, ANYONE with common sense will know no hospital in this world will randomly send out a package to someone, especially not one with a baby's photos that has passed away! You have to give written consent AND a photo ID to receive the pictures; and pick them up in person! Also, if she chose not to see her angel, the hospital isn't going to take pictures for you 'in case' you change your mind! She claimed she contacted the hospital only AFTER Laura told her the baby's photos were hers & that the hospital told her they did not send the package. So, when I read this bogus story, I asked to see proof of the so called letter she received as did Laura; we both were denied proof for first one reason then another! April claimed the hospital had the 'package' she received because it's under investigation. That's wrong too. IF this was to really happen, the hospital wouldn't have the package, the POLICE would!! I was told it wasn't my business & my support page wasn't supportive of her & I was turning my back on a grieving mother. Now, let me clarify something: at first, I didn't question whether she'd lost a baby; I questioned her story as to how she ended up with photos that didn't belong to her! And I'm sorry but no one with a shred of common sense would believe that story! Anyway, I spent the next 2-3 days arguing back & forth with April, her husband & April's mother. The ONLY two people that came to her defense was her mother & husband! I decided at this time to allow April to stay on my pages until this was sorted out; with the promise that she would keep me updated on the situation. I was not updated, only told lie after lie! So, in the meantime, I began my own investigation. April told me that she thought her in laws sent her the 'package' as a cruel joke because they hate her. So I decided to message the women April was blaming everything on. And boy did I learn A LOT!! 

I was told that not only was April never even pregnant, but that she cannot get pregnant due to thyroid issues!! April sent me another message after I said to her 'if you have found out your husbands cousin done this for sure, you should have proof now, show me proof.' In her next message, she told me the same story, that the hospital has the evidence & that she did not owe me an explanation & that it was between her & Laura. So, I decided it was time to ban her. This was yesterday, May 9, 2016, nearly 3 weeks after the initial message I received warning me about April! I sent April a message telling her I was banning her & why. Laura sent me photos of her angel, Finley, and the photos April was using as Riley & they were identical. I'm not going to share them here, on my public blog & risk Laura's photos being stolen again, but they were identical!! I had plenty of proof that April was lying but none that she was telling the truth or even telling a piece of the truth! So, I made the decision to ban her as to protect the thousands of angel Mother's on my page. And a wise decision that was!! When I woke up today, I had an inbox message from a friend that owns another support page & she told me that April had sent her page a message about me:

Apparently, April is now messaging every support page on Facebook with this same message. When I told her I was banning her, I told her my best advice to her was to leave all support pages because I would see to it that they know the truth about her & what she's doing. So she took it upon herself to try & be ahead of me & message them herself! But all she's done is made herself look suspicious! If I had received that message from her, the very FIRST thing I would do is go to the person she says is harassing her & see why they think she's a fake! And that's exactly what the owners of these pages she's messaging are doing! And I CAN provide proof of what I'm saying! April cannot! Because let me tell you, no one is going to just make that up about someone! When I hear about a fake, I give the person a chance to explain themselves first, before banning them! Because I know people do evil things out of spite all the time. But if the story does not add up to me, and April's does not add up, I make the best decision for my fans sake & for my page & ban them. If someone is being called a fake, THERE IS A REASON FOR IT!!! She's leaving out the fact that I let her stay on my page for nearly 3 weeks AFTER finding out about her! And only banned her after she wouldn't tell me the truth! She's saying I've 'harassed' her for over a month! How is that possible when I've only known about it since April 22nd & today is May 10th?!?! And I'm sorry but banning someone for stealing an angels photos IS NOT HARASSMENT!!! Taking up for a fellow angel mother IS NOT HARASSMENT!!! And furthermore, I DO have the right to ask for proof since I spend my VERY VALUABLE TIME on graphics for this girl, I've sent her cards on holidays & ornaments! I've done my fair share of supporting April; until I was blatantly lied to!! I don't play that crap!! Also, she did NOT block me! I banned her husband & mother the day it happened. And when they could no longer message me on my pages, they searched me on Facebook & found my personal page & her husband, Lyle, sent me a message! After this, I blocked her & him from my personal page!! I done the blocking AND banning, not them!! I am the one being harassed, not them!! Sending support pages slandering messages about me is harassment!! I'm not the one doing that, THEY ARE!! That is harassment!! If this was being said about me, I would be showing every piece of proof I have, if I was being accused of stealing someone's photos I would prove I did not do it! April is refusing because she HAS NO PROOF BECAUSE SHE IS LYING!!  To make it worse, more people have come forward saying she also stole their photos as well!! So this is not the first time she's done this before! Between she & her husband, I found FOUR profiles for them on Facebook. That's not including the ones under aliases. This girl is absolutely INSANE! If you come in contact with her, please do yourself a HUGE favor & don't walk but RUN away from her!! 

So, April, keep digging your hole! But remember, each message you send these pages is another slander charge I can press against you! You are only making yourself look crazy & suspicious! These ladies you are messaging are coming to me for the story & I tell the truth & provide PROOF of what I'm saying! You cannot provide proof that you're telling the truth! Because you are not telling the truth! Face it, you're done! Sending these pages messages will not change the fact that you stole another angel Mother's photos! Slandering my good name will not change it either. No amount of messages will make your pathetic story true. You are NOT an angel mother. You are not a grieving mother getting her feelings hurt! LAURA IS!! Laura, the one that was stolen from, she is the victim here, not you!! You are harassing ME! Me writing this blog is a way of defending myself & proving that you're lying! It's my job to support angel parents & you are not an angel parent! And you can bet your ass that I will continue to help Laura in ANY WAY THAT I CAN!! It's my job as the supporter to back up those wronged! I wouldn't be a good admin or person if I didn't warn others! That is not harassment! Not in any way!! There have been many fakes before April & unfortunately she won't be the last one! And they're all the same! The same lies. The same 'woe is me' stories! I gave her ample opportunity to prove me wrong & with each passing day she just proved me RIGHT! And she continues to do so with every message she sends out. I have thousands of beautifully, AMAZING women behind me & when this is all over I will still be standing! April will not! I'm currently working on my own slander charges against her! I want to thank all of the ladies that sent me screenshots of the message she's sending everyone! This is my proof of what she is doing! I don't know why she thought that no one would tell me what she's doing! 

So, I needed to clear my name & that's why I've written this blog about April Severson. Please feel free to inbox me on my Facebook page if anyone has ANY questions at all!! I do have more proof but it would've been an extra long blog so I only included the 'to the point' proof. I have hateful messages her husband sent me calling Laura selfish for telling me about this. I have more messages from the husbands cousin that knows them well as she's family. And last but not least, I will include a flier that's been posted at April's local hospital warning others about her. So, please don't hesitate to message me if you want more information & if you admin a page she has messaged about me! I want to thank all of my wonderful fans for sticking by me & taking up for me!! I'd be lost without you all!! Let this be a warning to anyone that tries to screw over an angel mother: you will have an army after you because we stick together!! Please take a moment & share this blog, especially if you own/admin a support page! I strongly recommend banning her immediately before she can steal from anyone else!! 

The flier that is posted in April's local hospital. 

1 comment:

  1. Well, locally, her name and your story is spreading. She has been posting looking for newborn supplies. Beware as she and her husband have NUMEROUS fake profiles.
