A Mothers Journey: Living Through Stillbirth
Perhaps God tires of calling the aged to his fold so he picks a rosebud before it can grow old.
Monday, December 30, 2019
Our Justice System
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Angelversary Card Exchange Program
Hello! Welcome to the Angelversary/Birthday Card Exchange. Please read this blog for the rules and important information regarding the program. Such as deadlines & how the program works.
How the program works:
Each person that signs up will be required to purchase OR make Birthday greeting cards. NO GIFT IS REQUIRED! You will receive names & addresses chosen for you by me. You will send the greeting cards to the names sent to you. That's it. It's pretty simple.
Postage and card prices:
If you are within the USA, and the names you have are also inside the USA, the cost of postage is 49¢ per stamp. If you have one person outside of the USA, the cost is either 3 stamps for one card, or if you take it to the post office, you pay $1.10. It's easier just to put 3 stamps on it. If you are in the UK, please contact your local post office or mailing service to check postage prices. I don't want to give the wrong info. In the USA, if you choose to purchase the cards, they can be bought very cheap. Dollar General & Family Dollar store sell the cards for as little as 50¢-$2.00.
The deadlines are still being worked out. However, I will send out the names & address the last week of each month. For example-August angels makes will be sent out the last week of July. The deadlines to send out the cards will be pretty much the same as all of my exchanges:
•If you live inside the USA & the name you have is also inside the USA, the card needs to be sent out at least 4-5 days BEFORE the birthday.
•If you live in the USA & the name you have is outside the states, you'll need to send them out at least 6-7 days BEFORE the birthday.
And vice versa.
If for some reason you can't send your cards out by these deadlines, please let me know. This way if I'm asked by your person, I can let them know that it's coming, just late. I cannot give a specific date for the deadline since each person will be different. That's what makes this exchange different from all of the other ones.
Important information:
If you join the program, you must honor this commitment! The biggest problem I run into with my card programs is people dropping out without notifying me. This has to stop. I know that a card doesn't seem like a big deal, but it is. And when someone is looking forward to receiving one, especially an angel mother on her angels birthday, and then they don't get one, it's very disappointing! Especially when they have sent their cards out, on time. Our angels birthdays/angel dates are VERY important to us!! Anyone reading this knows that! We don't have our babies here to throw a party for, to see the excitement on their faces as they rip open their presents. We honor them the best way we know how. So, please, this is VERY important!
I will also be sending out a card for every angel whose mother signs up. I make my cards because it's much more personal that way. And besides, with me sending one out, at least you will get at least one card.
If you need to drop out:
I understand that life happens, often times unexpectedly. If something comes up & you need to opt out, please notify me! This is the number one most important rule! Please understand that by telling me, I can give your name(s) to someone else. You don't have to tell me why, you just simply inbox me on the fan page, and say I need to drop out. That's it.
HOWEVER, if you drop out AFTER the deadline to have the cards sent out by, even if you tell me, you will be banned from any future programs. I say this because if something happens AFTER the deadline, it wouldn't affect the program had you sent the cards out on time in the first place. If you drop out WITHOUT notifying me, you will be banned from any future programs I have. And I take this VERY seriously!
If you know, from the start, that you won't be able to purchase or make birthday cards & purchase stamps, please don't sign up. This puts me in a very tough position. I'm the one that has to attend to the hurt feelings of the ones that didn't receive a card. Don't take on more than you can handle. You & your family always comes FIRST! If you're not financially able to do the program, don't join. There will be other exchanges in the future & you can always join one of them. If you need to drop out, notify me as soon as possible!!
Angels with two special dates:
Some of the angels will have two dates. Depending on whether or not the baby was stillborn or was born alive & passed away on another date for other reasons. If the mother so chooses, we will honor both dates, one as a birthday & one as an angel date. We will honor the birthday & the angel date. If you receive an angels name that has two dates, you will honor the date that matches the month at that time.
This is a new card exchange:
I am still working out the kinks in the program. I've never done an exchange that is continuous without an end like this one. I will update everyone on any changes that occur. Right now, I will give each person that signs up every name for the month of July. Which right now is only two people. So, if you cannot purchase two stamps and purchase or make two cards, please don't join.
Fan page address on Facebook:
Please refer to the fan page for updates & posts. If you haven't already, please go over & like the page. Also, when you receive your cards, please feel free to send me a photo & I'll upload it to the page as a thank you to the person that sent it. The address to the Facebook page is:
In closing:
I hope that everyone that joins finds comfort in the program. I hope it helps you in your grief in some way! I look forward to the start of the program!
Much Love to you all!!
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Painful Gain
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Ghosts: My Paranormal Investigation Experience
Friday, May 13, 2016
Fake angel mom, MANY fake profiles
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
LA Severson, Lyle and April Severson, April Severson
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Rules for the Mother's Day Card Exchange
Hello! Welcome to the SBAPLA Mother's Day Card Exchange Program! Mother's Day is on Sunday, May 8, 2016. Mother's Day is on a different day in the UK. But since I live in the USA, the program will be done on the USA Mother's Day. Please read this blog for the rules and important information regarding the program. Such as deadlines & how the program works.
How the program works:
Each person that signs up will be required to purchase OR make two Mother's Day greeting cards. NO GIFT IS REQUIRED! You will receive two names & addresses chosen for you by me. You will send the two greeting cards to the two names sent to you. That's it. It's pretty simple.
Postage and card prices:
If you are within the USA, and the names you have are also inside the USA, the cost of postage is 49¢ per stamp. So, altogether (postage only) will be 98¢ for two stamps. If you have one person outside of the USA, the cost is either 3 stamps for one card, or if you take it to the post office, you pay $1.10. It's easier just to put 3 stamps on it. If you are in the UK, please contact your local post office or mailing service to check postage prices. I don't want to give the wrong info. But someone told me that the cost to send a card to the USA was £1.25. But, like I said, please check to make sure. In the USA, if you choose to purchase the cards, they can be bought very cheap. Dollar General & Family Dollar store sell the cards for as little as 50¢-$2.00.
*If you are in the USA, and the person you have is outside the USA, your card to them can go out anytime before our Mother's Day, which is Sunday, May 8, 2016. Uk's Mother's Day is different but we still want the cards there by our Mother's Day.
*If you live within the USA and the person/people you have are also within the USA, you are to have the cards mailed out by Wednesday, May 4, 2016. This is to ensure that the card gets to them by Mother's Day, NOT after.
*If you live in the UK and you have someone in the USA, which most of you will because not many people from the UK signed up, you'll need to have your cards mailed out no later then Thursday, April 28, 2016.
If for some reason you can't send your cards out by these deadlines, please let me know. This way if I'm asked by your person, I can let them know that it's coming, just late.
Important information:
If you join the program, you must honor this commitment! The biggest problem I run into with my card programs is people dropping out without notifying me. This has to stop. I know that a card doesn't seem like a big deal, but it is. And when someone is looking forward to receiving one, especially an angel mother on Mother's Day, and then they don't get one, it's very disappointing! Especially when they have sent their cards out, on time. Mother's Day is an important holiday for angel mothers. In a world that would rather us not speak about our angels, it's hard for us to be recognized as a mother, unless we have living children. And that's not fair!! So, when we are recognized by someone as being a mother, it's very satisfying. I had one Mother's Day in between my angels & my first living baby & it was very hard! I WAS a mother, even if my baby wasn't with me! So, please, this is VERY important!
I wish that I could send everyone that joins a card, but I cannot do that. So, I depend on all of you that sign up to do what you agreed to do.
If you need to drop out:
I understand that life happens, often times unexpectedly. If something comes up & you need to do out, please notify me! This is the number one most important rule! Please understand that by telling me, I can give your names to someone else or I can pick them up myself. You don't have to tell me why, you just simply inbox me on the fan page, and say I need to drop out. That's it.
HOWEVER, if you drop out AFTER the deadline to have the cards sent out by, even if you tell me, you will be banned from any future programs. I say this because if something happens AFTER the deadline, it wouldn't affect the program had you sent the cards out on time in the first place. If you drop out WITHOUT notifying me, you will be banned from any future programs I have. And I take this VERY seriously!
If you know, from the start, that you won't be able to purchase or make two greeting cards & purchase two stamps, please don't sign up. This puts me in a very tough position. I'm the one that has to attend to the hurt feelings of the ones that didn't receive a card. Don't take on more than you can handle. You & your family always comes FIRST! If you're not financially able to do the program, don't join. There will be other exchanges in the future & you can always join one of them. If you need to drop out, notify me as soon as possible!!
Fan page address on Facebook:
Please refer to the fan page for updates & posts. If you haven't already, please go over & like the page. Also, when you receive your cards, please feel free to send me a photo & I'll upload it to the page as a thank you to the person that sent it. The address to the Facebook page is:
In closing:
I hope that everyone that joins finds comfort in the program. I hope it helps you in your grief in some way! I look forward to the start of the program!
Much Love to you all!!