I must warn those reading, this entry will have explicit content as I am pissed! Here, in the United States of Suckers, we have the most FUCKED justice system in the world! Let me start by giving a back story & maybe those reading will understand why I say it’s fucked. Anyone who knows me and my husband personally knows our individual stories of addiction & run-ins with the law. Though my husband’s run-ins with the law have arguably been more severe then my own. My own addiction began in 2007 after I had my daughter. I became addicted to opiate pain pills & in 2008, I began using cocaine. In 2010, I got clean from both. Through the years, I had a few slips with cocaine but have maintained my sobriety for several years now. I met my husband in 2016. He had several addictions but most notably, cocaine. Now, my husband, bless his ignorant little heart, was one of those addicts that would stop at nothing to satiate his addiction. If that meant stealing from someone, fucking someone over, lying & manipulating you he done it! Some would even classify him as the rare but known “lost cause”. God knows, I’ve got a soft spot for addicts. I see myself in them. I feel this overwhelming urge to “fix” them, even knowing you cannot fix what doesn’t want fixin’. When I met my husband, he was with this skank named Meredith. She was one of those nasty bitches that went where the dope was. If Daniel ran out & ran out of the resources needed to obtain the drugs, she was gone & on the next dick that had the drugs! Moving forward, when we broke up, she came back around. After a month or so, he decided to break up with her. She didn’t like this and after a fight & him leaving her, she went to the Sherrifs office & filed robbery & abduction charges against him. He took $33, yes $33 from her that he said was his money anyway. He threw her phone during the fight trying to get her off of him, much like when you throw a stick or ball for a dog to run & get, hoping she’d run after her phone & he could make a run for it! After they arrested him, he was held without bond. His court date set months away. While in jail, he met a guy named Mikey. Mikey ended up testifying against him claiming Daniel had told him everything he’d done. Mikey, better known as a “jailhouse snitch”, ended up with Meredith after it was over with! This case was our first experience with our wonderful justice system. Daniel has not been in any major trouble prior to this. Beyond speeding tickets and that sorta thing. But for this-for taking only $33 from this bitch, the judge gave him 9 years!! Granted she suspended all but a year. But that left 8 years hanging over his head! Probation for 3 years. I didn’t believe it was only $33 until I seen the court papers for myself! Meanwhile, this coke whore is out in the world racking up possession of cocaine & of controlled substances charges & he’s sitting in jail for taking money that was his to begin with! So he gets out of jail 2 months later because by the time he was sentenced, he’d already spent 10 out of the 12 month in jail. He moved in with his mom & that’s when we got back together. While living with her, his stepdad begin asking him to find cocaine for him! He had been clean for almost a year at this point. Now, granted, he could’ve said no but my husband is a people pleaser. He was living there & this tempted him. He was too early in his sobriety to say no. And should’ve
never been put in this position in the first place!! As a result of getting the drugs for him, he began getting high again. We were together but not loving together at this point. And when he would get high, he wouldn’t talk to me much because he knew I didn’t like it. See, he was on color code probation which meant he had to call the probation office once a week & could be called for random drug tests. And I knew eventually he was going to get caught getting high. So, to get him away from it, I got him to move in with me. But it was too late. He was hooked again. And a month later, he left on a 3 week long drug binge. During this time, I waited in a ball of nerves for my phone to ring with someone on the other end telling me he had overdosed & died! I finally got him back home right after New Years in 2018. Under the conditions that he not get High anymore and not bring drugs into my home! Things went well for a while, or so I thought. Come to find out, during his binge, he had been involved in a felony hit & run while high as fuck! He had ran a drug dealers car in a nursing home yard in Danville. So he was arrested for that & driving on a suspended license. I bailed him out of jail for that. But also before that, he was busted for driving on a suspended license and was due in court on February 22nd. During this time, he began to get high again. But he lied to me about it. I knew he was getting high but he would not admit to it. I know my husband like the back of my hand! So, I knew! He finally admitted to it 2 days before he went to court. On his court date, he was ordered to pull 10 days in jail. During that 10 days, they served him with a probation violation for failing
SIX DRUG TESTS during his binge!! He thought since they won’t saying anything to him that he was passing them! Clearly my husband was a
RAGING drug addict!! We tried to get him into a drug rehab for the violation instead of jail but t was denied because the charge he violated for-robbery-was considered a “violent” offense. So, instead he was ordered to pull 10 months in jail. He was due to be released on November 28, 2018.
Now this is where things get sticky....
In August 2018, he was served with 4 indictments- 3 distribution of cocaines & 1 distribution of imitation methamphamine. This completely blindsided me!! I’m thinking WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS!!?!!? Come to find out, back in February, he was hanging out with a “friend” that incidentally also happens to be a drug dealer. And since he had started using again, he seen an opportunity & took it. One of his “friends” called him of course to find him some dope & Daniel obliged. And if Daniel made a sell for him, the dealer would give him dope for doing it! Anything to get just a little bit of dope!! Back when he was getting it for other people just so he could get a little piece or just to be nice, I’d tell him “who’s going to be sitting in jail if you get caught?!” YOU ARE!! Because the cops do not care if it’s not for you. All they care about is you are the one with the dope on your person!! Anyway, he was to introduce this “friend” to the dealer & be done with it. But that’s not what happened. Apparently, the dealer is smart. The dealer don’t know this guy so he’s not going to sell drugs to someone he don’t know! So Daniel does know the guy-it’s his friend afterall. Daniel says ok, I’ll make the handoff for you because he doesn’t want the sale to end-he wants his piece for doing it. So, he’s quite literally the middle man-drug dealer in one car, Daniel in the Middle friend in the other car. The friend calls Daniel THREE TIMES in one day asking for an $200 worth of cocaine. See, the dealer knows this isn’t right! No little Junkie comes up with this much money in one day to buy dope! If you’re an addict, you’re lucky to come up with $20 a day, let alone $200 three times in one day!! Had I known what he was doing, I would’ve told him that too! But his high little brain wasn’t telling him that! All it was saying was get more dope!